Long-distance transfers between Venice and Italian cities

We offer medium and long-distance private transfers to and from Venice, from Venice to Italian cities, and from any city to Venice.
You can specify the departure time from the desired location. We also accept transfers to and from Venezia Tessera Airport and Port di Venice.
In Venice, cars are not allowed on the main island, thus Piazzale Roma, the gateway to the city, is the departure and arrival point for cars and buses. In Mestre and Marghera areas, we accept arrivals and departures from hotels.
Please contact us for transportation to towns not included in the list below.

  • It is a private transfer only for you by private car.
  • The charge is per vehicle (not per person), taxes and all necessary expenses are included, there is no additional charge except in special cases.
  • All our cars are registered and authorized as “N.C.C.” (Automobile for hire) and can pass through the traffic control areas in the city.
  • We promise comfortable transportation with business class luxury cars such as Mercedes.
  • An English-speaking Italian driver will guide you.
  • We also accept requests for lunch breaks and stop-by sightseeing.
    Please contact us for early morning and late night departures.